Michelle Hogan
Founder, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Michelle is passionate about empowering individuals to reconnect with their truth. She has been working with clients in the practice of psychotherapy for 20 years. As a psychotherapist Michelle weaves together a blend of psychodynamic, somatic, and intersubjective therapies. She works in a deeply intuitive way while grounded in a solid foundation of clinical theory.
As an authentic movement facilitator Michelle carries with her a rich background of experience. Having trained in the San Francisco Bay Area Michelle studied with some of the top experts in the field, and eventually came to assistant teach at the Authentic Movement Institute in Berkeley, California.
In her work with parents Michelle also blends a mix of ideas coming from various parenting experts, such as Kim John Payne, Harville Hendrix, Rudolf Steiner, Gordon Neufeld and Brene Brown. She takes a compassionate and empathic approach to empowering parents to create the family life they long for.
With a Masters degree in Integral Counseling from the California Institute of Integral Studies, her philosophy is one of bringing the body to consciousness and revitalizing our connection to our deepest self. Michelle’s somatic background includes extensive practice and training in Focusing, massage certification, and many years experience in movement arts, including certification as a Tri Yoga Basics instructor, and 20 years in the practice of Authentic Movement.
Practicing out of Huntington, NY, Michelle works with adults, couples, and groups.