community acupuncture
at somawell
Community Acupuncture is a chance to experience the amplified healing power of acupuncture when multiple people are receiving acupuncture in the same space. Have you ever meditated alone and experienced it as challenging, but then meditated in a group and were able to achieve the meditative state more quickly and deeply?
acupuncture happy hour
Acupuncture is an ancient healing modality well suited for modern times. Acupuncture is able to treat pains of many kinds that stand in the way of our happiness. Join Madeline Mindich, L.Ac weekly for an Acupuncture Happy Hour to help alleviate pain, stress, anxiety and depression. Acupuncture Happy Hour is done in the group setting and all participants will have a chance to receive 30 minutes of acupuncture, listen to soothing music or yoga Nidra, receive acupressure, tuning forks or essential oils. Madeline's intention for this hour is for you to have a chance to let go of anything that may be standing in the way of your happiness through the acupuncture experience so that you may be able to fully thrive and enjoy your life. You are welcome to bring your own intention as well!
It is recommended that participants come for at least 3-6 weeks in a row to heal efficiently and see the best benefits! Please wear loose fitting clothing so Madeline can reach points on your arms and legs!
Wednesday: 6:00-7:00pm
Exchange: $40 per session, 6 pack for $180, no one turned away for lack of funds!
after school acupuncture
Acupuncture can be used for all ages from newborns to those in their wisdom years or last days. It has been used for thousands of years not only to alleviate pain but also to help balance the body for optimal functioning, relieve unwanted and unneeded stress and anxiety, promote digestion, boost the immune system and benefit focus and mood.
During this hour, all kid-participants will be able to try a warm up qi gong exercise, learn important self-care acupressure points and receive acupuncture or acupressure and tuning forks if they are afraid of needles to promote balance, relieve stress and improve focus and mood.
age group: 8-12, others are welcome on a case by case basis!
It is recommended that participants come for at least 3-6 weeks in a row to heal efficiently and see the best benefits!
Wednesday: 4:30-5:00pm
Exchange: $25, no one turned away for lack of funds!