Acupuncture is an ancient practice well suited for modern times. Very thin sterile needles are used, these needles are like arrows that point you in the direction of health and wellbeing.
Single class is $85 and a 6 pack is $450
At SomaWell we understand that we are partners in your health. Our services and tools are available for your use and we are here to help you find resources on lifestyle additions that can help you reach your health and vibrancy goals!
Acupuncture’s scope is surprisingly vast! It can address anything from chronic pain and toothache to digestive and neurological issues. Here is a list of common ailments acupuncture can help address by body system according to the WHO :
Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat
Circulatory Disorders
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Gynecological / Genitourinary Disorders
Emotional and Psychological Concerns
Musculoskeletal and Neurological Disorders
Respiratory Issues
Madeline Mindich LAc
Licensed Acupuncturist